Sunday Service Times & Options

10 am: Onsite in the Sanctuary

Worship with live music and both printed and projected bulletins. Masks are no longer mandated but if you choose to wear a mask and social distance, we respect your choices. Ushers can assist you to find seating if needed. The Book of Common Prayer and the Hymnal have been returned to the pews.

10 am: Livestreaming Into Your Home

Click here to join our livestreamed 10 am worship service.  Use our Meeting ID: 650 209 604, and Password: 681861. 

Please note: You may be placed in a waiting room to be admitted into the service. Admissions will begin 10 minutes before services start. When you join the service, mute the Zoom microphone icon. Without this, every sound made in your household will broadcast during the service. Simply turning off the sound on your phone, tablet or computer does not do the trick!

Zoom worshippers may still request to receive drive-by Communion or Communion brought to your home. Please contact the office or the Rector to make these arrangements. 303-364-3186.

We Livestream Services Via the Zoom Platform

To join our livestreamed services, you will need to open a Zoom account. Click here to get started with Zoom. Then attend services via your phone, computer, tablet or iPad.


This takes place on the 4th Sunday of the month at 4:00 p.m. in the West Garden. This service is family friendly and interactive. This service is IN-PERSON ONLY. Please call the office if you have any questions. 303-364-3186. Those dates are June 26th, July 24th, and August 28th.

For the Sunday Bulletin Page click Here